Friday, March 25, 2011

Out of Boredom Comes Growth

     I keep busy most days, but lately I've been bored. I have retired from formal teaching and I have remarried and relocated, but I am slow in making connections in friendship or employment. Summer is approaching and the prospects of finding work in education dims. That's dangerous for me as when boredom sets in, I get into trouble. Lately, it has been redesigning my physical appearance. The hair keeps changing color and the weight keeps going up. If I don’t put an end to it I will look like the Goodyear Blimp only red, not gray (well, I guess that’s a good thing).
     I do enjoy time with my children and grandchildren, but that doesn't happen on a regular basis.
     I have a husband, and I enjoy cooking dinner for him, but he is busy with his stuff and so there is much free time available for trouble making.
     My 93 year old mother is finally stabilized after a long bout of hospitalization. I was quite busy during that period. I'm not needed as much now, so no time filled in that arena.
     What to do? I decided to go back to blogging and see what I can do in making money.  I mean, why not? If I going to sit at the computer for the sheer joy of it, I might as well make it work for me financially. I’m actually excited about this new project as it keeps my mind active. I love a good mental challenge. First I need to figure out the parameters. The new technology baffles me but I am motivated and I know I will catch on. My mind is fully occupied.
     Out of boredom comes growth. I am learning to be a blogger and my writing is becoming more fluid. This is good; but boredom still sucks!


Paula said...

Since boredom isn't in my vocabulary I wouldn't know what to tell you. Hope you find something you enjoy to fill your spare time. Nice to see you back here.

Ken Riches said...

Best of luck with the new endeavor.

Perhaps finding a new workout routine would help?