Sunday, March 27, 2011

Let me be brave in the attempt

My 35 year old son has Fragile X Syndrome.  I call him a gentle giant.  He is 6' and 200+ pounds -- big to look at, somewhat overwhelming in size, but as soft as silk and as gentle as a puppy. 

Yesterday he participated in one of many basketball tournaments sponsered by Special Olympics.  He loves going to these games so he can be with "his buds".  Last year he scored a few points for the team.  The coach called him "the bomb" and from then on my son refers to himself as "The Bomber".  So cute!

So yesterday he scored.  Well, you should have seen him!  Hootin' and hollerin' for the success of it.  My heart swelled with love and joy and should all be so simple...shouldn't it?  That something like a basketball score can bring such joy to so many?

The world can learn an awful lot from our special needs citizens.  They know what unconditional strings, no hidden agendas...just the pure joy of it, whatever the 'it' is.


Paula said...

Congrats to your son. Yes I know how simple things can make a special needs person so happy. My deceased husband's brother could be so happy just when he got a new haircut.

Lucy said...

Welcome to my blog. I hope you continue to blog. I loved your blog and then you went to FB. I betr you have already figured out, I don't go in often. I am just not real comfortable in there. My GR-son who broke his back is a lucky guy as far as his live in, for now, girl friend. She has a SON who has tourets syndrome and with much love and care she has helped him overcome the severity. He is a big burly young man going to a special school. I remember you were very proud of your son and talked about about him a lot. You have a right to be proud for , your daughter and your mom and wasn't there a baby in there . Your daughters. You write in your blog and I promise to be there,and return your comments. Sio glad to have you back.

Helen said...

A big hand to your son. They do so love those games. Helen

Ken Riches said...

Such a wonderful thing, thank you for sharing.